Saturday, February 2, 2008

Two senior managers from our HR team are quibbling in the next cubicle. I can’t hear them clearly, but i can make out they are arguing over something very trivial. And i can’t help but think that their department's most important KRA is to manage conflicts amongst us.....


They say pain is a good teacher. That is if you are a good disciple. Its only when you are deep down drowned in sorrow that you get a clear perspective on lot of things. Its only then you suddenly start seeing things clearly. Not the way you had always wanted to, but the way they actually are.

Agreed. All that is very good. But for a change can i have some happiness also, please? Thank you.


Now one of them is apologizing to the other. Looks like he realized the mistake. His or someone else's i do not know. It hardly matters. As long as he has realized that there was something that needed fixing and he has fixed it.

My faith in our HR team stands reinstated.


Someone said...

there is only one way from the dumps - up. into happiness. :)

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