Monday, September 4, 2006

Meaning of Life

I have heard this ranted many times. It used to leave me befuddled then. How could anybody even think of questioning it? And that too in this manner? It eluded my understanding. Only till the time I had come to question it myself. "What is the meaning of life? Why are we here and what on earth is the purpose of this life?”

Not only have I come to question it myself now, I have also come to understand what the question stands for. Only a little bit though. The profoundness of the questions is such that, no matter how deep one's understanding about it is, yet only words that one can use to describe it is a simple question itself "What is the meaning of life?” which does not mean anything unless one understands it as a personal experience.

Think of it in this way. . I went to school coz i was sent to school. I do not remember for sure but i guess, the only purpose i must have had in life then, would have been to clear the exams and to get good grades. Then i grew up a little bit and grades did matter still, but it partially was replaced by friendship and having fun and may be running after girls. Then came college, some more fun, a lot more friends. Then came a personal tragedy and all i could focus on was to get through the tragedy. Then came post graduation and getting a job (and a girlfriend) seemed to matter most. After getting a job it was about moving up in career and making a mark.

And after this there will be marriage, family, children and many more things that our society has set up as a norm for life stages. And I will go through these stages also, in a sequence, like I have been doing since long.

And the story is same for many people around me. But are we here to just go through these life stages and die one day without even questioning WHY? What is the purpose of all this? If there is no purpose then why were we even born in first place? A wise man had told me once that, in life nobody is born with a purpose, one needs to find it and live for it. Some say, if we are born here then it is for a purpose. But my question still remains.

Think about it. Just once.

If you tend to remain with it, then its coz you may have started to understand something. And if the question befuddles you like it did to me, don't worry too much, one day it will certainly come to haunt you. Till then, enjoy whatever you are enjoying!!!!

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